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Tax Liens Services

Failing to pay your taxes can lead to severe consequences, including a possible tax lien. Fortunately, if you are facing a tax lien, you have options that can help. Here at Mitchell Advisory Company, we offer tax liens services to help you get out of debt and back in good financial standing.

Explore Your Options

Every financial situation is different. That’s why, when we offer help with tax liens, we never take a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we take the time to get to know you and your needs. From there, we can help you explore your available options. These might include:

  • Paying your taxes in full
  • Setting up an installment agreement
  • Requesting an offer in compromise
  • Filing an appeal

Take Action

There are many ways to achieve a tax lien release or withdrawal. However, we can help you choose the best course of action for your specific situation. We can also help you navigate and successfully complete the process that you choose. 

Move Forward

Once you have resolved your tax lien, it’s time to start planning for a better financial future. We can assist with a variety of accounting and tax-related needs. Whether you need help preparing and filing your taxes or staying on top of your finances, we’re here for you. We want to help you make tax liens and other tax problems a thing of the past.

Contact Us Today

When it comes to state and federal tax lien help, Mitchell Advisory Company has you covered. If you’re ready to get back on track and back in control, contact us today.