Almost every business can benefit greatly from professional income tax preparation. After all, business taxes can be complicated and confusing even for smaller businesses.
Here at Mitchell Advisory Company, we’re proud to offer help with income tax preparation Gastonia business owners can rely on. And, while we think all local businesses should take advantage of our income tax preparation services, it’s especially important in the following situations.
Has your business been through major changes in the most recent tax year? Perhaps you incorporated your business or made other changes to its structure or organization. Or, maybe you hired several new employees, hired employees for the very first time, or started using contractors.
Whatever the case may be, any major changes to your business and how you operate it can affect your taxes. Depending on what the change is, it might affect your filing status or provide you with new responsibilities you didn’t have before.
Since changes to your Gastonia business mean changes to your taxes, it’s especially important to have a qualified accountant show you the ropes and explain how the business changes affect you.
Perhaps you’ve always been able to handle your own taxes in the past but, this year, you just don’t have the time. Maybe your business has grown, and you’ve spent so much time focusing on it that taxes got pushed to the wayside.
If you’re coming up on a deadline and still can’t make time for your taxes, take this as a surefire sign that you need an accountant to handle your income tax prep for you. Chances are that, as your business grows and expands, the time you have to devote to taxes is going to grow smaller, while your tax needs become more demanding. So, you might as well reach out and get the help you need now, before you get too overwhelmed or end up missing an important deadline.
Did you end up making a mistake on your taxes last year? Perhaps you did a calculation wrong, missed the filing deadline, missed a form, or filled out an incorrect form. Whether your error was big or small, correcting it can be a time-consuming hassle. If you’ve made errors in the past, take it as a surefire sign that you need professional help with your tax preparation.
Do you relate to one of the above categories? If so, then it’s definitely time to reach out to us for help with your income taxes. In fact, that’s a good idea either way. After all, every business deserves the peace of mind that comes from having professionals handling their taxes.
We look forward to being those professionals in Gastonia, NC for you!